Friday, May 21, 2010

Week Long Photo Shoot

I simply cannot believe it has taken ALL week in order to get Week 3 photos up and ready to go.  Monday was Dog Class so it didn't happen then.  Tuesday night - OK I admit I was watching Dancing With The Stars.  Wednesday the puppies just wouldn't cooperate - they had all just eaten and looked like they were in a coma.  Thursday night the camera malfunctioned and all the pictures were blurry and we were just too tired to try again last night.  FINALLY Friday things clicked and we present the latest batch of baby pix.  As "proof" of our problems we're attaching some photos of the Week That Was.

Oh sure it looks cute here - but try and make it look cute one-on-one

"Enough is enough!!!"

Tomorrow we are hosting the annual Indy Dal Club annual picnic AND the puppies will be getting their first visitors, including some of their new moms and dads.  You can be sure tomorrow will be a Photo Op of the first magnitude.  Looks for updates and photos soon.


  1. Hope you had a great picnic. Sure wish we didn't live so far away so we could come visit too. Can't wait for new pictures.

  2. I had a great time yesterday at the picnic. It was great meeting such nice people that share the love of dalmatians. I enjoyed getting to see and play with the puppies. They are all so cute. It is fun to see them at this age learning to be dogs. I hope to come visit the pups at least one more time before I bring my new little guy home. Thanks Jan for the invite to yesterday's picnic, I had a great time.
