Friday, May 28, 2010

Play Time

The milestone this week for the puppies is their discovery of “play!” Up until the end of last week all they would do was totter to the food bowl, eat, poop and go back to sleep. This week is the week they’ve discovered toys and are finding out just how much fun it is to attack them as well as each other. I’ve gone to the thrift store and sorted through their stuffed toys bin, picking out size appropriate soft toys and, after a good spin through the washing machine, have introduced them to the puppies. They growl, they pounce, they carry their “prey” off to a corner, warning their siblings off with mini-growls. They are so stinking adorable.

Although Jenga is spending less and less time in official mother capacity – nursing, cleaning – she is now spending her time with them teaching them exactly how to play. At this stage puppies are learning – from Jenga and each other – the rules of dog play. If you bite too hard, someone will correct you with a yelp or a nip back or maybe even a roll on their back by Mom. This is a critical time for them as they learn what is acceptable and what is not acceptable behavior.

One trick I encourage is for owners to use the Nose Hug when disciplining a puppy. In Nature, Mom (who has no hands) will take the puppies muzzle in her mouth and give them a brief shake of the snout. When playing with your puppy and s/he gets too mouthy, just take the puppy’s muzzle in your hand and give it a gentle shake. It’s dog language for “I am dominant and you’d better knock it off.”

As the dogs get older you can continue this practice as a gentle way of affirming your higher place in the pecking order. If you’re sitting with your dog or walk by, grab their muzzle in your hand and give a gentle shake. Believe it or not, they will see this as not a “mean” or “threatening” but as an action that confirms their place in the pecking order. Dogs have no problem being low man on the totem pole; however, they can develop anxieties if you don’t reassure them you’re in charge and will take care of things. They are pack animals and need a hierarchy. They are comforted in knowing exactly who is boss and are content knowing it doesn’t have to be them. Use this to both of your advantages and you’ll have a happier, well-behaved dog.

But in the meantime, all the world is a playground and the puppies are making full use of their gymnasium. It is incredible to see the changes in them every day. We’ve gone from adding yogurt to softened, ground puppy food to just warming up softened puppy food. They handle it just fine and this time next week we’ll probably not even have to soften it before hand. They’ll be crunching away on their kibble like pros. It’s so hard to believe that just 4+ weeks ago they were blind, deaf little things that could only root around looking for Mom’s warmth and milk. Now, they are real puppies and distinct personalities are developing. More on that in the next post. In the meantime, enjoy the photos.

Rizzuto says
"Just move along - there's nothing to see here.  Everything's fine."



  1. Puppies everywhere!! They are all SO cute! LOL - loving the look on Rizzuto's face!

  2. They are adorable!!! Where did you get the toy, Jan?!

  3. Pups are so cute, I can't believe how much they change in just a day. I love the picture with Jenga "teaching" her puppies, too cute.

  4. I didn't think it was possible but they are all getting cuter by the day. Love all the pictures and can't wait to see more.

  5. Jan, I can't believe how they are changing!! They are soooooooo cute. I still like the brown girl. Thanks for letting me play with them last weekend.

  6. They are so adorable! Jenga is such a great mom! I'd never go to work! I'd just stay home and play with all the spots!
