Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Boys - Week 2

Say "Hello" to Koufax our first born. He's our spot over achiever ... with the most spots so far - but all nicely and evenly distributed.
Mr. Aaron ... our Big Man on Campus, weighing in at 2 pounds, 10
ounces. But the sweetest most laid back puppy you could ever hope
Joltin' Joe "DiMaggio" - he may be one of the smaller fellas but he's not taking a back seat to anyone. He was the first to look at back at us.

Gehrig is our little man who loves exploring - or maybe it was just accidentally falling out of the pool. I guess we'll have to see if he continues to be our Mover & Shaker.

And then there's Rizzuto - such a nice boy with an adorable face.


  1. Awww, they are all so cute! I am lovin' little DiMaggio! Aaron is such a cutie too...gosh, they are all so cute. I can't wait to hear more as their personalities start to come out!

  2. They are adorable!!!
