Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Here's Looking At You Kid

Well, it’s official – eyes are now open for business. DiMaggio was the first to show the world his peepers but, not wanting to be left out, everyone else is now either “eyes wide open” or doing their very best Popeye impressions. How nice to finally have someone looking back at us. Personalities should really start to shine through as they begin interacting with their new world. DiMaggio is peeking at us in this picture, although Alan says it looks like he's winding up for a Fast Ball.

I got home from work yesterday and was greeted with the announcement that we’d had our first escapee from the pool. Mr. Gehrig decided it was time to check things out and Alan found him outside the pool. Actually, I think he just rolled off the blanket the puppies had pushed up against the side of the pool. But then again the blanket was tied into a knotted rope that was going over the side … Alright, maybe not but a knotted rope but I think this is just an omen of things to come. Once they all start the “everyone outta the pool” routine it will be time to move the pool out and bring out the bedding and newspapers and attach a second x-pen so they have tons of room to romp.

They had a couple of milestones in the last two days. We made it to Day 16 so they are officially done with their Super Puppy exercises. Those of you taking a puppy home next month, be forewarned … I have no clue what their kryptonite is.

They also had their first nail trim last night at Jenga’s request. She was looking a little scratched up on the belly. I don’t know what the big fuss was all about but Mays sure expressed her displeasure. I PROMISE I left all of her toes attached to her feet!! Might as well get used to kids … it’s going to become a way of life.

The next two posts are Week 2 pictures taken last evening. Enjoy and let us know who you like.

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