Tuesday, May 18, 2010

First Meal

Yes, I know I was going to post pictures of the puppies first “real” meal this weekend but, well, I obviously didn’t get it done. Until today. We gave the babies their first taste of something other than Mom and it seemed to be a success as you can see by all the little piggies at the trough.

Our weaning formula consists of Pro Plan puppy food softened in water in the refrigerator and then run through a food chopper so it becomes the consistency of ground meal. We then add a big dollop of yogurt (gotta get that good bacteria into their digestive tracts), some evaporated milk and then add water until it has the consistency of a mushy gruel. YUM!

We nuke it until it’s warm (after all, they are used to Jenga doing that for them) and then it goes into the flying saucer pan, which allows them all to pony up to the bar – and not only TO the bar but often INTO the bar. Some of them get so excited by the new experience they’re just not willing to wait their turn and charge in head first.

Koufax pretty much sums up everyone’s appearance when they’re through. We were hoping for a Buddha Belly shot but it didn’t quite turn out. Hopefully, in the future we’ll get a better shot of how their little tummies expand. It’s priceless.

I have to admit though these guys aren’t as food driven as some of my larger litters. Yes, they did clean their plate but they’re starting to leave some so I guess we need to cut back for awhile. My other litters have always been members of the Clean Plate Club from their first meal on. These guys must still have a preference for Jenga, as they all “attacked” her and finished of their meal with a drink of Mom.

We are planning to take Week 3 pictures this evening and will get them posted in the next day or two.


  1. Wow! The gruel recipe did not sound appetizing to me, but those pups sure dug in! Koufax is hilarious with his messy face and paws…and I love how DiMaggio just sits down in the bowl - and facing the wrong direction!

  2. Great pictures of their first meal. Loving how DiMaggio is sitting in the bowl. I remember getting to see the Presidential litter get their first meal while visiting them for the first time...definitely fun to watch. Can't wait to see the individual pictures.
