Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Riot Update

Well, the updates are starting to come in and we LOVE it.  Brandan and Jeri report Riot is quite taken to being an only dog and is thriving on their love and attention.  This is the main reason I don't feel too bad when puppies start to go home.  When they reach 6 weeks of age they are just screaming for one-on-one that is impossible for two people to dole out to ten puppies.  And, when you factor in, how long people have been waiting and counting the days until they get their puppy ... well, I just love a happy ending - although in these cases I would guess it's more of a happy beginning. 

In this picture the Kelters have shared, Riot seems to be putting his Golden friend in line with a little friendly "woofing."  Being an only puppy doesn't preclude one from having friends.  And leave it to a brownie to take charge of any given situation.  But it was all in fun and from what we hear, this Big Guy is Riot's new BFF - and you can't have too many of those in this life.

Riot also shows he's taken to the great outdoors and is getting down and dirty in the grass.  Looks kind of like he's doing his lion stalking game in this picture. 

Thanks to the Kelters for the updates.  I plan to keep this blog going with pix and updates of all the kids and things that are happening in the Matchless world.  Hope you'll all stick around and stay in touch.  One of the best parts of puppies is the new friends we make. 

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