Sunday, June 13, 2010

Off To Wisconsin

Our pretty Mays also took off yesterday and she has two new sisters just like Dottie Rose.  She is now the baby of the Grzesiak family in Wisconsin.  This family  has a love of the Hawaiian islands and Mays is now officially known as Matchless Mauna Lani and will be answering to "Lani."  She has a big Dalmatian sister too who goes by the name of "Kona" (gotta keep that Hawaiian theme going!)

Mom Beth tells me Kona loves it when they go boating and that Lani will get her sealegs by studying big sister, Kona.  So if you're ever in Wisconsin and see a Dalmatian riding like the figurehead of a ship, with the breeze blowing through her ears, stop and say hello to Lani Mays.

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