Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Dottie Rose - Living the Life

Well, we've just heard from Dottie and the Reinard family in Ohio and I think we're going to have to change Dottie's name to Riley since that is apparently the life she is living these days.  Mom Jennifer reports she's a "wonderful" dog - but then again she's a Dalmatian so that's just a given. 

According to Jennifer, Dad Scott is her favorite but she adores her entire new family and as you can see from the pictures the feeling is mutual.  There's nothing we enjoy more than to get great puppy updates like these. 

Hopefully, everyone is enjoying them; and even if they're not, Alan and I are so please, everyone, keep them coming.


  1. I love the puppy updates, it is so fun to watch all the pups grow. Although I just went through the puppy stage 1.5 years ago with Reagan, I forgot how much work it is, LOL! Bentley and Reagan are sure keeping me busy, and I love it! Hope we get some updates from some of the other pups. Where are you Koufax, Aaron, Gehrig, Mays and Ruth?!

  2. Gerhig, aka Baby Louie is home sweet home in Irish Country...South Bend, Indiana. He is a lovely little boy with a funny personality and fun to be around. He is meeting new friends where ever he goes. If you live close around Northern Indiana we should have a playdate?!


  3. Just checking in to see how everyone is doing. Lyla (Clemente) is living life to the fullest and stays busy by chasing cats, playing with every squeak toy she can find (oh the horror!), and going on car rides!

    And...I think it is safe to say we have officially reached potty training success!! Yay!

    Would love to see pictures of the other pups if people are staying in touch!

  4. Hi Amanda,

    That's great that Miss Lyla is potty trained! I'm having a horrible time with Louie/Gerhig. He is so stubborn!!!

    What part of Arizona do you live at? I would love to see pictures :) I hope all is well :) Louie is doing super and I'm glad Lyla is too!!!

  5. Hi Amanda and Ashley -
    So glad to hear that Lyla and Louie are doing great. Bentley(Dimaggio) is doing great too! He is doing really well with potty training, but I don't quite think I can say he is fully trained (he still has accidents every once in awile).

    Bentley is such a little clown, always keeping me laughing. It is so funny how much he copies my older dal. He is such a smart pup. I have been taking a ton of pictures, and hopefully I can get some to Jan early this week for posting.

    Ashley - I would love a playdate, but we are not near South Bend. I am in Greenfield, IN.

    I would love to stay in contact with everyone and see updated pictures. Feel free to contact me at nmturner@aol.com

  6. Hi Ashley and Nicole -

    Lol, sorry to hear Louie is stubborn! Lyla goes through stubborn days, but for the most part she is very easy going and loves to please.

    How fun it must be to have two Dals – a little mini-me for Reagan!

    Oh, and I have to take back my potty trained statement - dang it! Ly had several days in a row where she was doing great, but this weekend it seems we have un-learned everything…bummer. I must have jinxed myself. On the plus side though, she did learn a new trick…how to destroy puppy pads; and let me tell you, that is a Fun mess to clean up….NOT. Lol.

    I wish we lived closer to you guys, a play date would be so much fun – all the spotted puppies! We are way down here in southern Arizona and the heat makes it impossible to expend Ly’s energy outside, so we do a lot of playing indoors.

    I am so glad you guys want to share pictures - I have been dying to show Lyla off! :) My e-mail address is usmc_ebert@hotmail.com.


  7. Hi Amanda and Nicole,

    It is soo wonderful to hear from you both of you!! Maybe someday in the future we should get together and have a reunion!

    Lyla and Bentley are both adorable and I'm so glad and happy both puppies are doing great!
    I wish we all lived closer so we can have lots of play dates.

    Amanda, I bet the heat is horrible down in AZ. Do you live by Tuscan?! I was thinking of moving to the Phoenix area in the near future for work.

    Before I got Louie I had his older brother Brodie. Brodie and Louie are a lot like! It's scary sometimes.

    I hope we can keep in contact with each other and share photos!!!

    My e-mail address is ashley.greenlee@gmail.com


  8. Amanda,

    I tried to e-mail you but it didn't go through:(


  9. Hi Ashley,

    I am not sure why my e-mail address didn't work. :(

    I just sent you an e-mail this morning, let me know if you don't receive anything.


  10. Hi Amanda,

    Thank you so much for the e-mail. I truly appreciate it! Did you receive the one I wrote you? If not, I will have you to use my alternate e-mail address. Let me know!:)

  11. Hi Ashley,

    I did not receive anything from you. Your gmail account must not like my hotmail account! Lol.


  12. Amanda,

    Haha...I will send you an e-mail this week on my yahoooo account!

