Monday, July 18, 2011

New Digs

Cue the theme song from "The Jeffersons" ...

Jenga and crew made the move to their new digs this weekend.  Alan finished the whelping box and I have to say I'm just a mite envious.  Not really - I don't want to live in a box.  But I must say, he did a FABULOUS job with it.  I've dubbed it "Dog Mahal."  It's 4' square and the bottom and sides are made of a melamine-type material so it's super easy to clean up - and that will become more important in the next few weeks when Jenga finishes up her duties as puppy clean-up agent and passes that particular torch to Alan and me.  (Counting the minutes on that one!) And they have the industrial loft feel to their new place with the PVC pipe pigrail that runs along the sides.  For those of you not familiar with the function of a pigrail, it's to keep Mama from squishing babies up against the side of the box and smothering them. 

The kids think it's just great but Jenga is needing some time to make the adjustment and be 100% comfortable in it.  This morning about 4:30 I heard thrashing around and got up and found her wedging herself under the raised dog bed (about 2" high) in the living room.  I assume this was her attempt at denning.  Anyway, I'm sure she'll sort things out in the next day or two and be as comfortable as the babies are.


  1. Alan did a great job on the new whelping box, very nice!

    Wilbur is still my favorite but Doolittle and Yaegar are my other favorite boys and little miss Cessna and Allison are my favorite girls. Oh what am I saying, they are all super cute!

  2. I love the whelping box. What a clever idea.
    We already have one of your "guys" from 2 litters ago; but I love following the other litters.
    These guys and gals are just precious. But forgive me if I am partial to our guy Casey aka Jive his litter name.
