It may be a trifle premature but Alan has finished up the "gymnasium" to go with the whelping box and he installed it last night. Now the puppies' lives have gone from a 4 x 4 box to an added 4 x 8 front yard to explore. We took the tall door down from the whelping box so they now have access to a world twice the size that it was just 2 days ago. They look SO little in it but we know from past experience just how quickly they will fill it up - especially when there are ELEVEN of them.
Right now they're still eating and sleeping a lot but we know that in the next week, they'll explode into puppyhood and soon be chasing each other around the "gymnasium." The next big milestone in their young lives will be the introduction of (semi) solid foods in the next day or two. Stay tuned for that as that is ALWAYS a sight. I always think they'll wear more of the food than ingest it but I'm usually surprised to see just how good a job they do at cleaning their first place. But as you can see from the picture below, Mom is still their first choice for a good meal. Poor Jenga - what a good and patient mom she is.